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Week 1

We gathered information on our topic (suicide) and collected it. We assigned each person a job to do for the BBC school report. We also came up with a name for our group Team Esperanza.


Week 2

We searched for websites that would allow us to arrange an interview with a person who works with people who are suicidal. We also started writing scripts for those who were going to be on camera. We found a website to have our blog on and began working on it.


Week 3

By week 3 we had finished writing the scripts and found a website (The Brent Samaritans). After that we started arranging the interview and what time and day they should come. We added more to our blog.


Week 4

On week 4 we added some more touches to the blog and had filmed half of the video by then. We recorded all of our weekly progress to know what we did each week. We hoped to have  finished recording the whole video but the interview didn’t seem to go as planned so it was delayed for the 5th week instead.

Week 5

The Samaritans interview experienced technical difficulties and the sound was cut off for most of the video, the whole team felt a sense of distress and felt like it wasn't going to work out. we came up with a plan B and tried to pull it together , plan B was to interview a teacher, it didn't go as we planned but we tried our best. Most of us weren't as happy with the video but there was nothing we could do.


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